WOW I just love this! I had a really hard work out Friday and I thought, maybe this is just too hard for this old lady? Then I decided, no, I’m going to get this! Needed the pep talk!
I don't begin understand watching the Oscar borefest, but won't knock it since I watch the very soul of American intellectual endeavor...professional wrestling.
The Democrats are reminding me why I left the party 20-some years ago.
My favorite line today is "The great American tragedy isn’t death; it’s atrophy." Amen, Brother! The hated treadmill is why I'm in better shape than most people 10 years younger than me. But, gawd, I hate the damn thing.
Since I've nothing to contribute regarding The Oscars, that I haven't watched since the 80s, I'll keep my mouth shut, in a half-hearted attempt to quell the voice in my head that keeps shouting combative, non-useful things like, "Which of you mothertruckers still support Harvey Weinstein?" every time I see a glamour-clad Hollywood audience. (The voice in my head actually shouts the real "ucker" word, but for some reason I couldn't type it today, which leads me to believe that there's a real possibility that Annie Wilkes has killed that combative voice with a kitchen knife & taken over the very typewriter that may soon bring her to her own demise. Unfortunately, my mind is a sketchy chorus of undiagnosed voices of which I'm not in completely in charge.) 🙄
Onward & upward in a concerted effort to resist being sucked into my grave today. (You truly paint a vivid picture.) l shall turn my attention to the not quite reaching the threshold of passive aggressive audience resistance during the "Presidential Address." The sign paddles... REALLY?! As if we were at a snooty auction for quasi-rich patrons of the arts, bidding on random accoutrements of Congress. "I'll take the lot of Vance eyeliner & Speaker Johnson's tie for $10,000, if it would wipe the smug smirks off their starstruck faces."
I posit that one reason Trumplethinskin fell upward into the presidency, plummeting with a resounding thud into the unlucky chair that resides behind The Resolute Desk, is that "his people" find him entertaining. They hope he will remember their concerns & his continuously shouted campaign promises once he gets their votes, but if not, they still find him funny anyway. In light of this premise, perhaps Democratic resisters in Congress should dust off their tap shoes, polish their vaudeville skills, & work on their stand-up routines. They could hold a Congressional talent show to select the best performers, & the rest of the disillusioned, disappointed wisher-be's, could continue to applaud from the audience, singing in unison like The Muppet Show. Everyone sing the protest song! "This is Daddy Putin's Puppet Show!" (Omg, Don R! You could be their stage director, producer, talent scout, everything important. I don't know anything about show biz, so I'll be in charge of popcorn bucket distribution.)
Ok, enough fever dreaming, I have much to accomplish before I'm completely rotted out from the core...
WOW I just love this! I had a really hard work out Friday and I thought, maybe this is just too hard for this old lady? Then I decided, no, I’m going to get this! Needed the pep talk!
I don't begin understand watching the Oscar borefest, but won't knock it since I watch the very soul of American intellectual endeavor...professional wrestling.
The Democrats are reminding me why I left the party 20-some years ago.
My favorite line today is "The great American tragedy isn’t death; it’s atrophy." Amen, Brother! The hated treadmill is why I'm in better shape than most people 10 years younger than me. But, gawd, I hate the damn thing.
Hey, Kimo Sabe, you have a blast of a week!
Since I've nothing to contribute regarding The Oscars, that I haven't watched since the 80s, I'll keep my mouth shut, in a half-hearted attempt to quell the voice in my head that keeps shouting combative, non-useful things like, "Which of you mothertruckers still support Harvey Weinstein?" every time I see a glamour-clad Hollywood audience. (The voice in my head actually shouts the real "ucker" word, but for some reason I couldn't type it today, which leads me to believe that there's a real possibility that Annie Wilkes has killed that combative voice with a kitchen knife & taken over the very typewriter that may soon bring her to her own demise. Unfortunately, my mind is a sketchy chorus of undiagnosed voices of which I'm not in completely in charge.) 🙄
Onward & upward in a concerted effort to resist being sucked into my grave today. (You truly paint a vivid picture.) l shall turn my attention to the not quite reaching the threshold of passive aggressive audience resistance during the "Presidential Address." The sign paddles... REALLY?! As if we were at a snooty auction for quasi-rich patrons of the arts, bidding on random accoutrements of Congress. "I'll take the lot of Vance eyeliner & Speaker Johnson's tie for $10,000, if it would wipe the smug smirks off their starstruck faces."
I posit that one reason Trumplethinskin fell upward into the presidency, plummeting with a resounding thud into the unlucky chair that resides behind The Resolute Desk, is that "his people" find him entertaining. They hope he will remember their concerns & his continuously shouted campaign promises once he gets their votes, but if not, they still find him funny anyway. In light of this premise, perhaps Democratic resisters in Congress should dust off their tap shoes, polish their vaudeville skills, & work on their stand-up routines. They could hold a Congressional talent show to select the best performers, & the rest of the disillusioned, disappointed wisher-be's, could continue to applaud from the audience, singing in unison like The Muppet Show. Everyone sing the protest song! "This is Daddy Putin's Puppet Show!" (Omg, Don R! You could be their stage director, producer, talent scout, everything important. I don't know anything about show biz, so I'll be in charge of popcorn bucket distribution.)
Ok, enough fever dreaming, I have much to accomplish before I'm completely rotted out from the core...