Ahhh...how I look forward to your weekly rambles...improves my a.m. coffee.
Two things...
1. Speaking as one who is—obviously and unquestionably—morally superior, moral superiority is overrated.
2. I think you're taking it way to easy on Trump. My starting p[oint is that he's an oozing abscess on the asshole of humanity and get more judgmental from there...
Ahhh...how I look forward to your weekly rambles...improves my a.m. coffee.
Two things...
1. Speaking as one who is—obviously and unquestionably—morally superior, moral superiority is overrated.
2. I think you're taking it way to easy on Trump. My starting p[oint is that he's an oozing abscess on the asshole of humanity and get more judgmental from there...